Repression of social movements and of marginalized people in Quebec reached new heights in 2024. Institutionalized violence is deployed to protect private interests and maintain a capitalist, imperialist, and colonial order. The police are the armed wing of the rich, fascists, and the state: relentlessly crushing popular struggles and suffocating those who dare to challenge this unjust system, as well as those simply trying to survive it.
Collectif 15 mars invites you to take the streets on Saturday March 15th, 2025 at 1:12 PM (13:12) at Lionel-Groulx station to denounce police brutality. The entire police system is a tool of control and domination that protects the rich and the fascists.
Repression of Palestine Solidarity Movements
The Service de police de la Ville de Montréal (SPVM) has virulently repressed Palestine solidarity activity. The police responded with violence to the simplest denunciations of imperialism, or calls for international justice: attacks on demonstrators, arbitrary arrests, and intimidation.
Police Serving the Rich, Fascists and Transphobes
In 2024, police violently attacked anti-fascist and queer activists at counter-demonstrations held to resist transphobic rallies. These activists only wanted to defend basic human rights, but once again SPVM sided with fascists and hate groups.
Their complicity was also evident at the black metal festival Messe des Morts in Montreal when the SPVM blocked an anti-fascist demonstration while helping National Socialist Black Metal (NSBM) bands and theirs fans to take the stage and freely promote their hateful ideology.
In the last months, unhoused and vulnerable people have been the target of brutal police violence when homeless encampments have been dismantled. The most vulnerable people had their property stolen by the SPVM during these violent evictions operations. The police consciously act to deprive the poorest of this unfair economic system.
Colonialism and Police Brutality
The police of so-called Canada also play a central role in perpetuating colonial violence, brutally crushing any indigenous resistance. In 2024, over 25% of those killed by the police were indigenous, even though they represent only 5% of the population. These murders are the expression of a racist and colonial system indifferent to the lives of indigenous populations. This repression is compounded by systemic precarity, where limited access to healthcare, housing, and education serves as a silent weapon to keep them in poverty.
State Violence at the Border
State violence at the borders is intensifying, as fascist and reactionary ideologies gain ground in Quebec and elsewhere. The police hunt down, deport, and brutalize those fleeing war and misery under the guise of national security. The Legault government’s exclusionary policies fuel this repression by supporting Islamophobic and xenophobic rhetoric. At Canada’s borders, as in the prisons of so-called Quebec, state forces are increasingly brutal and zealous in persecuting migrants and refugees.
For a World Without Police or Oppression
Police violence is not a “slip-up”: it lies at the heart of a capitalist, colonial, and fascist system designed to crush popular resistance and keep people in poverty. Everywhere, the police protect the interests of the powerful by attacking those who struggle or simply try to survive.
We believe in a world without police or prisons, based on solidarity, self-determination, and respect for human rights. We believe in a system that focuses on the transformation of social relations and the collective rectification of wrongs, not one based on punishment. A system where structures of oppression are dismantled, past injustices redressed, and repression abolished. A future where restorative justice and solidarity prevail over state violence.
Join us on March 15th, 2025 at 1:12pm (13:12) at Lionel-Groulx station